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Why donate?

Donations to the International Eosinophil Society (IES) are an investment in the present health and future growth of the society.

IES is registered as a 501(c)(3) corporation in the United States. Contributions to IES are tax deductible in the United States to the full extent allowed by law. IES Tax ID: 27-2696878

You are able to choose how your gift supports the society. Donations may be directed to the IES General Fund or the Travel Scholarship Fund. Individuals choosing to support IES will be recognized on the IES website and during the biennial Symposium. Donations can be made anonymously if desired.

IES General Fund

By donating to the IES General Fund, you help provide the resources needed to finance the various educational activities that advance our mission. This enables IES to continue offering valuable benefits and opportunities to our members without raising membership dues. This is especially important for maintaining the discounts available to Trainee Members.


Travel Scholarship Fund

Your donation to the Travel Scholarship Fund provides essential funds for young scientists to attend the biennial Symposium and your donation will be paid directly to awardees to off-set the costs of their registration fee, hotel and travel ($1,000 USD per awardee). Priority will be given to young scientists from low and middle-income countries, under-represented minorities, and applicants with high scoring abstracts.

Every dollar donated helps IES award more Travel Grants!

"The IES travel grant allowed me to attend my first international conference and network with faculty members at different medical schools. The connections I made at the conference have helped me in my journey of applying to M.D./Ph.D programs and further solidified my desire to become a physician-scientist."

Rodaba Rahim, United States (Travel Grant Recipient - 2023)

"Attending the IES symposium in Canada last summer, made possible by the travel grant from IES, was a fantastic experience. Presenting my poster to a group of esteemed experts in our field offered a unique opportunity for direct feedback, which was both enlightening and constructive. The congress itself was an excellent blend of basic science and clinical lectures. Additionally this year with initiatives like breakfast with mentors and roundtable discussions in a less formal setting, an ideal environment was created for exploring diverse topics and participating in stimulating debates. It was an enriching way to network with peers and learn from experienced professionals. Overall, the experience of attending the IES congress was not just positive, but incredibly rewarding. It allowed me to step outside of my usual professional setting, absorb new information, and make meaningful connections. I am thankful for the opportunity provided by IES, as it clearly improved my approach to clinical practice and research."

Sina Karimi, Belgium (Travel Grant Recipient - 2023)

"This congress was an opportunity not only to hear all the new ideas in the field of eosinophil biology, but also to meet researchers, both young and less young, who all share the same enthusiasm for this cell that continues to surprise us. The congress also enabled me to make my first oral presentation at an international level in front of people who have inspired and influenced our research. Additionally, it allowed me to listen to and exchange ideas with researchers from all over the world, particularly during the clinical workshop. For this, I thank the IES for helping me attend the congress through the travel grant."

Julien Catherine, Belgium (Travel Grant Recipient - 2023)

"It was inspirational to be able to travel to the IES2023 conference, which would not have been possible without the travel award. I got to put some faces to the names I have been seeing in literature which makes the reasearch more fun."

Immaculeta Osuji, United States (Travel Grant Recipient - 2023)


Travel Scholarship Funding Levels:



2023-2024 Donors

Many thanks to our donors for their contributions to IES’s efforts throughout 2023 and 2024!

IES General Fund Contributors

Steven J. Ackerman
Praveen Akuthota
Ole Weis Bjerrum
Ejiofor Ezekwe, Jr.
Allison Fryer
David Jacoby
Paneez Khoury
Amy Klion
Jennifer Lee Turner Memorial Fund
Rayen Valdivia Olivares
Peter Weller
Qingling Zhang

Travel Scholarship Fund Contributors

Platinum Sponsorship ($1,000+)
Honeycomb Bio

Gold Sponsorship ($500+)
Anonymous donation in memory of Leonard Rothenberg
Allison Fryer
Peter Weller

Silver Sponsorship ($100+)
Anonymous donation in memory of Karen J. Menard, late wife of Dr. Steven Ackerman
Steven J. Ackerman
Praveen Akuthota
Judah Denburg
Glenn Furuta
Paneez Khoury
Amy Klion
Shigeharu Ueki
Nives Zimmerman

Bronze Sponsorship (up to $100)
Jeremy O'Sullivan


Corporate Advisory Council
Platinum Member

Astra Zeneca

Gold Members

AllakosAmgenGSKSanofi Regeneron

Bronze Members

Areteia TherapeuticsBMSCelldexTakeda